Face Recognition System, a partially concealed with a face


  • Jira ThioThawonwong


Most Important, Memory, Skating


Currently, crime prevention and suppression is the main mission of the police need to have information about the criminals can support duty the investigation. To know the culprit. Also the sketch that perhaps draw. Or the investigating officer to interview a victim or villain who see the face thoroughly. And must have tact in question to get a complete picture, most important is the "memory" of those who see the face criminal. But the importance of sketch is not finding his face clearly. It's "unique key on the face." Which will help the police and the people, used for reference in search of a suspect. And the pursuit that also arrested. The property of the people is a mistake and delayed, which presented to remember her face, facial recognition system. (Face detection) is a kind of technology that is very interesting. Because it is a system that helps in terms of convenience to the identification of individuals. Just by using face photos of other individual It also helps in the prevention of corruption pretending to that person. There are many research studies the Yugoslav wars to identify individuals, such as the by using face recognition. A system that facilitates in terms of attendance or identify the person coming or join activities. Make help to save time and reduce the use of documents to sign to participate in it, which is very useful.


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How to Cite

ThioThawonwong, J. (2020). Face Recognition System, a partially concealed with a face. Science Technology and Innovation Journal, 1(5), 10–20. Retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/stij/article/view/256387



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