Development of Fermented Bio-extract Combined with Beneficial Bacteria for Enhancing Plant Growth and Controlling of Bacterial Leaf Blight of Rice
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The aim of this research was to develop the fermented bio-extract combined with beneficial bacteria for enhancing rice plant growth and controlling of bacterial leaf blight of rice. Banana plant, kaffir lime, and chili were raw materials used in fermented bio-extract. Three fermented bio-extract were tested for Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. (Xoo) inhibition using a completely randomized design (CRD). The result revealed that banana trunk fermented bio-extract showed the efficacy to inhibit Xoo with causing clear zone of 1.56±0.26 cm. Efficiency of all 3 fermented bio-extract on enhancing rice plant performance was investigated at 7 days old plant. The results showed that the chili fermented bio-extract and banana trunk fermented bio-extract were the most efficiency treatment to promote growth of rice. Root length, shoot length, root fresh weight, root dry weight, shoot fresh weight and shoot dry weight were 6.02±0.83 and 5.35±0.37 cm, 5.5±0.48 and 5.2±0.26 cm, 2.52±0.45 and 1.97±0.16 g, 0.11±0.00 and 0.11±0.00 g, 2.96±0.05 and 2.67±0.17 g, and 0.20±0.01 and 0.19±0.01 g, respectively. From the previous results, banana stem fermented bio-extract was selected for further development. Antagonistic bacterial that showed phosphate solubilization, Bacillus sp. strain PSB3-5 was added into banana stem fermented bio-extract with 1x1011 cfu/ml final concentration and keep in room temperature (32±2 ºC) for 60 days. Results showed PSB3-5 populations were 6.4x109, 3.1x108, 3.6 x108, and 3.0x108 cfu/ml at 48 h, 15, 30, and 60 days after inoculated, respectively. These results indicating possibility of combined fermented bio-extract with phosphate solubilizing bacteria for the purpose of developing biological control method to reducing the use of synthetic fertilizer and pesticides.
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