การสะสมตะกั่วในพริก คะน้า และหัวไชเท้าที่ปลูกในดินปนเปื้อนตะกั่ว
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Research on lead accumulation in different parts of chili (Capsicum frutescens L.), kale (Brassica oleracea) and radish (Raphanus sativus L.) grown in lead contaminated soil from Klity village in Kanchanaburi province was experimentally conducted in the Central laboratory and Greenhouse Complex at Research and Development Institute, Kamphaengsaen campus, Kasetsart university. The results showed that the growth of chili, kale and radish grown in contaminated and uncontaminated soil was not significantly different (p > 0.05) by measuring height, fresh weight and dry weight. Chilli, kale and radish had the highest lead accumulation in root (52.42±9.59, 51.62±4.95 and 49.20±0.54 mg/kg, respectively) followed by shoots (37.48±11.38, 38.19±8.14 and 35.59±4.03 mg/kg, respectively) and seeds (30.16±11.50 mg/kg), which exceeded the standard for human consumption (0.1 mg/kg). For chilli, kale and radish in lead contaminated soil, the average BCF values of 0.05±0.06, 0.08±0.02 and 0.05±0.01, respectively, showed low efficiency in translocation lead from soil to plant. The average TF of chili with 1.32±0.31 showed that lead was capable to move from the roots to the shoots. Kale and radish had averages TF of 0.73±0.09 and 0.72±0.08, respectively. As they are less than 1, this means no possible to remove the lead from the roots to the shoots.
Article Details
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