Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth of Field Corn Growing in Soil after Waterlogging

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Khwanpicha Sungsamran
Ornprapa Thapsilvisul
Phakpen Poomipan
Natta Takrattanasaran


Waterlogging in soil has resulted in decreasing plant nutrients. Plants that grow in the ground after waterlogging often have low yields. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal application on the growth and yield of field corn planting after waterlogged soil (Rangsit soil series). An experimental design was 2x2 factorial in CRD with five
replications. Factor 1 was soil before field corn plantation; planted soil, and waterlogged soil. Factor 2 was AM inoculation (without/with Glomus sp.). The results had found that fertility of the soil after waterlogging was decreased. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium were reduced by approximately 18, 17, 17, and 10 %, respectively. Soil pH was decreased. Moreover, the number of AM spores in the soil was decreased by 57%. These results show that field
corn grown in soil after waterlogging had significantly lower growth and yield than planted soil. The yield of field corn grown in soil after waterlogging was reduced by 50% approximately. However, applied AM fungi to soil after waterlogging had promoted nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in field corn. Their growth and yield were significantly increased. The yield was increased by approximately
25% compared to field corn planting in soil after waterlogging without AM inoculation. Therefore, these results had indicated that the application of AM fungi could significantly increase the growth and yield of field corn planting in waterlogged soil.

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Biological Sciences


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