Distribution of Polychaetes in Sriracha Coastal Area, Chon Buri

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Natthakitt To-orn


The composition, distribution, and density of polychaetes in a coastal area of the Sriracha district, Chon Buri were investigated. A transect line from the shore including six sampling stations, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 800 m was sampled in the wet season (October 2013) and dry season (January 2014). In the study, twenty-one polychaetes genera which belong to 15 families were recorded. The pollutant-tolerant opportunistic polychaetes species, Capitella sp., Prionospio sp., Notomastus sp., Heteromastus sp., Aricidea sp., Magelona sp., Sigambra sp., Leonnates sp., Scoloplos sp., and Ophelina sp. were the dominant groups in the area. A high density of polychaetes was found near-shore (10, 50, and 100 m), while the composition, richness index, diversity index, and evenness values were higher in near-shore lower than those offshore (200, 500, and 800 m), due to abundance of Capitella sp., Prionospio sp., and Leonnates sp. Cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) showed the clear separation of polychaete assemblages in this area into (1) those residing near shore and (2) those residing far from shore. The main factors contributing to the distribution of polychaetes in the area were water depth, transparency, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen silt clay, and organic content in sediment.

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Biological Sciences


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