Using black soldier fly larval meal as dietary ingredients in common climbing perch (Anabas testudineus Bloch)

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Jittima Munkit


Effects of using black soldier fly larval meal as ingredients in common climbing perch (Anabas testudineus Bloch) dietary on growth performance, survival rate and feed cost/kg weight gain of common climbing perch were studied. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used in this experiement. There were 4 treatments and 4 replications, treatment 1 (T1) was commercial feed, treatment 2 – treatment 4 (T2 - T4) were local-made feed mixed with black soldier fly larval meal at 0, 30, and 50% of fish meal, respectively. Crude protein of the experimental feed (T1 - T4) were 33.59, 31.47, 31.91 and 32.03 %, respectively. The experimental duration was 3 weeks and the fish were fed twice a day. Data was analysed by ANOVA and differences between groups were compared using LSD. The study showed that the final weight gain of T1 was 4.85±0.01 g which was higher than T2 to T4 (P<0.01). Feed conversion rates (FCR) and survival rates of all treatments were not significantly different (P>0.01). The feeding costs of T1 to T4 were 25, 18.60, 17.57 and 16.81 baht/kg, respectively and feed costs/kg weight gain of T1 to T4 were 29.34±3.26, 27.61±6.47, 23.68±2.52 and 24.26±1.25 baht, respectively. This study indicated that it was possible to use 30% of black soldier fly larval meal mixed in local-made feed for common climbing perch culture. This feed could reduce the cost of fish culture investment.

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How to Cite
Munkit, J. (2020). Using black soldier fly larval meal as dietary ingredients in common climbing perch (Anabas testudineus Bloch) . Journal of Vocational Education in Agriculture, 4(2), 15–25. retrieved from
Research Article


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