Efficiency of Aeration Models (Diffuser) on Water Quality and Pacific White Shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) Production

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Krisanee Wongwuttiwat
Sakda Wongwuttiwat
Suttipong Siriporn
Phiman Lohhem


This study aims to compare an efficiency of two different diffuser models, used in pacific white shrimp tarpaulin rearing pond with 15 meters in diameter. There were two treatments with two replications including 1) tube diffuser which normally used in shrimp farms and 2) diffuser panel with water direction controlling developed by researchers. Three parameters were examined including dissolved oxygen, ammonia, sediment amount/unit area, growth rate (average weight and average daily growth (ADG)) and survival rate. Shrimp post larvae (PL.12) were stocked for 30 days with the density of 1,132 pieces/cubic meter.

The study results indicated that shrimp growth rate and sediment amount/unit area were significantly different at 0.05 level between 2 treatments which average weight, average daily growth (ADG) in the developed diffuser (1.27±0.01 g and 0.0426±0.70 g) were higher than another treatment (1.20±0.01 and 0.0375±0.08 g). The sediment amount/unit area also showed the better result which was 0.017± 0.00 kg/m2 compared to the 1st treatment (0.021± 0.00 kg/m2). However, there were not significantly different, between the 1st and 2nd treatment, foundin the rest of parameters including dissolved oxygen (6.36±0.11 and 6.46±0.09 mg/l), ammonia (0.01±0.14 and 0.05±0.57 mg/l) and survival rate (86.44±1.00 and 86.73±1.00 %) respectively.

In conclusion, the results indicated that the developed diffuser panel with water direction controlling showed higher efficiency resulting from sediment can be moved to pond center and easily to get rid of which lead to higher growth rate.  Therefore, this model could be another type of diffuser to be recommended for pacific white shrimp production.

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How to Cite
Wongwuttiwat, K. ., Wongwuttiwat, S. ., Siriporn, S. ., & Lohhem, P. . (2020). Efficiency of Aeration Models (Diffuser) on Water Quality and Pacific White Shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) Production. Journal of Vocational Education in Agriculture, 4(2), 26–35. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JVIA/article/view/241932
Research Article


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