Manufacture and Properties of Purple Waxy Corn Yogurt and its Application in Probiotic Salad Dressing Production


  • Jatupat Samappito Department of Food Science, Faculty of Science, Buriram Rajabhat University, Buriram 31000, Thailand


Purple Waxy Corn, Yogurt, Probiotic, Salad Dressing


This research was aimed to produce probiotic salad dressing with good acceptability. For this purpose, purple waxy corn milk samples prepared from corn kernels and water at four different ratios as 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4 were used to produce purple waxy corn milk yogurt and it was found that corn kernels and water at 1:1 ratio gave the highest total soluble solid and viscosity which were higher than cow milk. Then, all corn milk ratios were used for yogurt production and the result showed that purple waxy corn milk yogurt made from purple waxy corn and water at 1:1 ratio (formula 1) provided the highest viscosity, also, this yogurt formula had the closest pH and titratable acidity values with a control yogurt from cow milk. Lactic acid bacteria were also investigated and it was shown that three strains, including Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus thermophilus and Bifidobacterium were growth during yogurt process, reaching the numbers of 8.45−8.65 log CFU/g. Finally, corn milk yogurt containing probiotic bacteria was used and mixed to salad dressing and it revealed that salad dressing made from corn milk yogurt formula 1 contributed to the highest viscosity and overall acceptability score. Viability of probiotic bacteria in salad dressing that mixed with purple waxy corn milk yogurt formula 1 was detected at the numbers of 6.70 ± 0.20 log CFU/g which were higher than the minimum therapeutic dose (6.00 log CFU/g). Consequently, probiotic salad dressing produced could be considered as one of the potential probiotic foods which could deliver benefits to consumers.


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How to Cite

Samappito, Jatupat. 2021. “Manufacture and Properties of Purple Waxy Corn Yogurt and its Application in Probiotic Salad Dressing Production”. Food and Applied Bioscience Journal 9 (1):11-27.



Food Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety & Quality