Thin-Layer Chromatography Fingerprinting of Phytochemicals in Fruit Peel and Pulp of Sandoricum koetjape
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The purpose of this research was to study thin-layer chromatography fingerprinting of phytochemicals in fruit peel and pulp of Sandoricum koetjape, namely tannin, vitamin E, coumarin, eugenol, catechol, digoxin, aloin, saponin and atropine. The extraction of phytochemical compounds was accomplished by reflux extraction. The phytochemicals were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography technique of crude extracts from Sandoricum koetjape. The total of four species of Sandoricum koetjape from Talung Subdistrict, Mueang District, Lop Buri Province were studied, namely Ela, Nimnuan, Tabtim and Puifai. The results found that the 4 types of the Sandoricum koetjape peel were likely to be tannin, eugenol and saponin with Rf range of 0.91-0.94, 0.68-0.70, and 0.49-0.71 and the color pattern of black, mottled yellow on a purple background, purple and dark bluish to black respectively. While the extracts of the Sandoricum koetjape pulp contained vitamin E, eugenol and saponin with Rf range of 0.89-0.95, 0.70-0.78, and 0.59-0.66 and the color pattern of mottled yellow on a purple background, purple and dark bluish to black, respectively.
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