Genetic diversity of bamboo using SSR markers

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Suracheast Aiumsumang
Nattharika Nualsri
Napas Numsakul
Sumalee Phimphan


The bamboo is Gramineae commercially important crop of Thailand and have similar externalities. Therefore, it is necessary to use an instrument that is accurate to classify. The SSR marker is an interesting and accurate tool.Therefore, this research is to study the genetic diversity of bamboo in Phetchabun Province, such as Bambusa Bambos, Giganochloa albociliata, Bambusa vulgaris, Bambusa tulda, Dendrocalamus strictus., Bambusa vulgaris., Bambusa oldhamii., Bambusa nutans., Dendrocalamus giganteus, Bambusa vulgaris, Bambusa blumeana, Neohouzeaus mekongensis and Gigintochloa compressa by using three SSRs markers. From the increase in DNA content using the Polymerase Chain Reaction, 10 polymorphisms were shown with a genetic similarity. Coefficient was between 0.55-1.00. It can be divided into two groups clearly and indicating that the SSR molecular markers were able to identify the genetic diversity of thirteen bamboo species.

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How to Cite
Aiumsumang, S., Nualsri, N., Numsakul, N., & Phimphan, S. (2022). Genetic diversity of bamboo using SSR markers. Journal of Science and Technology CRRU, 1(2), 60–67. Retrieved from
Research article


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