KIC 5956776 : from Light Curve Acquiring to Absolute Dimension Determining

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Apisit Aindang
Worrawalun Karaket
Benyapa Krongmee


This research aims to explain the process of obtaining light curve from the Kepler Space Telescope Database, the analysis of light curve fitting by using the Wilson & Devinney code that provide relative physical parameters, and the way proposed to estimate absolute physical parameters of eclipsing binary KIC 5956776 when radial velocity curves are absent. The light curve of the system presented as one of the Beta Lyrae type. The results of light curve analysis suggested that the absolute physical parameters of primary and secondary stars respectively are as follows: Temperature T1  = 3737 K and T2 = 6946±128 K. Potential energy at the star surface gif.latex?\Omega1  =3.78±0.01 and gif.latex?\Omega2  = 3.49±0.01. The inclination of the orbital plane  gif.latex?i is 77.09±0.07 degree. The average radius of the primary and secondary stars are gif.latex?r1average  =0.315±0.001 gif.latex?Rgif.latex?\tiny&space;\odot /a     and gif.latex?r2average  = 0.327±0.01 gif.latex?Rgif.latex?\tiny&space;\odot /a , respectively. Assuming that both primary and seconday stars are main-sequence stars. The radius of each star can be calculated as  gif.latex?R1 = 1.00 ± 0.01 gif.latex?Rgif.latex?\tiny&space;\odot and  gif.latex?R2 = 1.04 ± 0.01 gif.latex?Rgif.latex?\tiny&space;\odot. This makes it possible to calculate reversely back and get the value of a semi-major axis (gif.latex?a)  of 3.17 ± 0.01 gif.latex?Rgif.latex?\tiny&space;\odot   and therefore gif.latex?M1 = 1.00 ± 0.01gif.latex?Mgif.latex?\tiny&space;\odot ,    gif.latex?M2 =1.05 ± 0.01gif.latex?Mgif.latex?\tiny&space;\odot ,  q= 1.05 ± 0.01, as the result.

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How to Cite
Aindang, A., Karaket, W., & Krongmee, B. (2022). KIC 5956776 : from Light Curve Acquiring to Absolute Dimension Determining. Journal of Science and Technology CRRU, 1(2), 14–26. retrieved from
Research article


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