Algorithm for Calculating the Number of Derivations on Chain Lattice

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Paichayon Sirisatianwattana
Charuntorn Kongin


This paper presents the formula for finding the number of derivations on chain lattice with gif.latex?n elements. The formula is,


where gif.latex?n is a positive integer, gif.latex?Ch_{n}  denoted a chain lattice with gif.latex?n elements and gif.latex?\left&space;|&space;d\left&space;(&space;Ch_{n}&space;\right&space;)&space;\right&space;| is all the numbers of derivations of chain lattices.

Moreover, we found that the number of derivations of gif.latex?Ch_{n} can be computed in binomial coefficient form and related to some of Fibonacci numbers as follows:


where gif.latex?F_{n+1}^{(n)} is the (gif.latex?n+1)-th Fibonacci gif.latex?n-Step  number.

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How to Cite
Sirisatianwattana, P., & Kongin, C. (2022). Algorithm for Calculating the Number of Derivations on Chain Lattice. Journal of Science and Technology CRRU, 1(2), 27–37. retrieved from
Research article


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