Mathematical Model for Predicting Red Oak Lettuce Growth

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Sarayut Pantian
Rinrada Puangamphai
Apichaya Buata


The objective of this research was to find a mathematical model of red oak lettuce growth by DFT with three types of light: natural, white, red and blue light from LEDs and to prove the mathematical hypothesis of Bessonov and Volpert, simultaneously. The results showed that the sample in natural light died out after the first leaf radial length measurement was taken due to low-light conditions. Other samples found that white light had the best growth average of 5.08 cm, while blue light had the lowest mean growth of 2.68 cm over the same time period. It was also found that the growth mathematical patterns of both red-oak lettuce grown in white, blue and red subjects were the same, power polynomial or parabolic form, with the least squares of white light, blue light and red light are 0.9972, 0.9844 and 0.7486, respectively.

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How to Cite
Pantian, S., Puangamphai, R., & Buata, A. (2022). Mathematical Model for Predicting Red Oak Lettuce Growth. Journal of Science and Technology CRRU, 1(2), 38–44. Retrieved from
Research article


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