Development of Pickled Fish Papaya Salad Sauce Product

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Sirilada Srikok
Sumaleewan Poosa


This research aimed to 1) Select a suitable formula of fermented fish sauce to use as an ingredient in pickled fish papaya salad sauce product. 2) Study and develop a suitable formula of pickled fish papaya salad sauce product. 3) Study the physical, chemical, microorganism and sensory qualities of pickled fish papaya salad sauce product. It was found that the suitable fermented fish sauce used pickled gouramis fish, white popinac, pineapple, picked garlic juice, shrimp paste, palm sugar, MSG, and water were 36.70, 5.50, 9.17, 3.66, 5.50, 1.83, 37.64, and 0.6 gram, respectively. The suitable formula of pickled fish papaya salad sauce product used fermented fish sauce, dried chili, garlic, palm sugar, fish sauce, lemon juice, and water were 11.82, 9.09, 7.45, 11.82, 20.45, 21.18, and 18.18 grams, respectively. The developed product has physical characteristics of L*, a*and b* were 17.211.21, 18.980.83 and 23.261.32, respectively, viscosity 236.033.23 cp and total soluble solid was 59.820.09 Brix. The chemical characteristics of pH and total acidity were 3.27±0.01 and 0.01±0.02 percentages, respectively. The sensory characteristic of appearance, color, odor, taste and overall liking from 100 consumers between the ages of 18 – 60 were 8.83±0.23, 8.76±0.69, 8.89±0.88, 8.97±0.56 and 8.89±0.86 scores, respectively. The microorganism qualities of total plate count were 2x102 cfu/g, yeast and mold were 1x102 cfu/g. It was shown that were below than the Thai Community product standard 1954/2557.

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How to Cite
Srikok, S., & Poosa, S. (2023). Development of Pickled Fish Papaya Salad Sauce Product. Journal of Science and Technology CRRU, 2(1), 8–21. Retrieved from
Research article


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