The effects of Camellia sinensis Flower extract on the phytochemical and sensory evaluation of drinking jelly

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Ratchaneekorn Pokrai
Jenjira Charoensin
Anek Halee


The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of Camellia sinensis Flower extract, brewed using the Twining method, on the phytochemical and sensory evaluation of a ready-to-drink jelly product. 

The study on antioxidant efficacy revealed that Formula 4 has the highest levels of total phenolic content and flavonoid compounds, with values equivalent to 45.80 mg GAE/100 ml and 8.24 mg CE/100 ml, respectively. Regarding the analysis of antioxidant activity using DPPH and FRAP methods, Formula 4 also exhibited the highest values at 154.85 and 165.15 µmol TE/100 ml, respectively. In the sensory evaluation across all 5 aspects of drinking jelly products from Camellia sinensis Flower extract in the 5 formulas, it was found that Formula 4, which had tea extract at 75%, sugar at 10%, and honey at 15%, received the highest scores for aroma, taste, and overall appearance. Regarding overall preference, it was found that the taste testers favored Formula 5, which had tea extract at 80%, sugar at 9%, and honey at 11%. Additionally, it was noted that there were no significant differences in color and aroma ratings among the taste testers (p≥0.05).

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How to Cite
Pokrai, R., Charoensin, J., & Halee, A. (2023). The effects of Camellia sinensis Flower extract on the phytochemical and sensory evaluation of drinking jelly. Journal of Science and Technology CRRU, 2(2), 66–75. retrieved from
Research article


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