Comparison of the effects of traditional and modern drying methods on the physical and chemical properties, tannin content, and nutritional value of Mali-ong cultivar Namwa bananas flour
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The essential qualities of banana flour are its color and tannins, which are anti-inflammatory and antioxidants. Therefore, the novel drying method requires a white-yellow color and the highest tannin content in Namwa banana flour. This research aimed to pre-treat Namwa bananas with and without peels and blanch them for 5 and 10 minutes. Using 400 watts of infrared in 650 mmHg of vacuum (IR-VC) and 24 hours for freeze drying (FD) to dry Namwa bananas flour. The pre-treatment involved blanching peeled bananas flour for 5 minutes before drying them using IR-VC and FD methods. This resulted in a brightness (L*) value of 76.31 and 81.78, a high yellow color value (b*) of 17.16 and 16.60, and a high tannin content of 123 and 207 mg of tannin per 100 grams of dry flour, respectively. Therefore, this condition was used to prepare the sample for banana flour production. The comparison was made between banana flour products from IR-VC and FD drying methods and the nutritional value of products from solar dome (SD) and hot air (HA) drying methods. It was found FD banana flour had a high overall nutritional value compared to the other methods, containing 28.33 micrograms of vitamin A and 1.50 milligrams of vitamin B2 per 100 grams of banana flour. The highest fiber content was observed in SD drying 31.23 grams per 100 grams of banana flour. The IR-VC drying method exhibited the highest protein content 5.14 grams per 100 grams of banana flour and showed no cholesterol content in the banana flour produced using IR-VC and FD drying methods.
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