Design of a multi-purpose table set used to promote the quality of life of the visually impaired.

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Suwinai Inthasak
Yingyong Rungfar
Pisit Kuananan


At present, in Thai Society disabled vision person still do not receive comfort for living and have difficult to take a daily life style.  From a study of the Center for Competency Development for the Blind  Foundation for the Blind Authority of Thailand found that The disabled vision person, who lives in a small room with only a bed mattress and a table. Especially, table is very important for various activities in daily life, such as use for dine, to practice Braille letters reading and to store equipment for living.  The table is used in current still has not specific design for the disabled vision person. Cause to inconvenience to run such activities and also affect to danger when use the tables that have not specific design.  From the mentioned problem, the researcher has idea to design a multi-purpose table used to promote quality of life for the disabled vision person. The objective purpose to design a multi-purpose table for promote the quality of life for the disabled vision person. By bring to Standard Test Industrial to test a vertical static force.  And also evaluated satisfaction of application.   The Methods of study: study from documents and research related to problem in design requirement from the disabled vision person. Theory concept which related to promote quality of life for the disabled vision person.  The concept to design throughout observe the behavior of tables using in the daily activities of disabled vision person.  And interviews to know what needs of table design from disabled vision person. The sample groups used in this research are: both male and female of Completely blind person, specific selection of 30 persons who stay at the Center for the Development of the Blind. Foundation for the Blind Authority of Thailand, Pak Kred District, Nonthaburi Province.  The results of research have point as; The result of design a multi-purpose table to promote the quality of life for the disabled vision person is designed to be able disassemble and fold it.  Choose the materials to produce structure and use the strong materials to assemble.  Model of the multi-purpose table for the disabled vision person consists of, A shape of chair coherent with a the table. There is a sensor system to detect and prevent a walk crashing. There are drawers and shelves with install bar for protect the overflow items on the table top.  There is a power plug with a power cut-off switch to prevent a danger from electrical defect. There is instruction in Braille letters. As well as, close the touch surfaces at various points on table for the disabled vision person can use it easily and comfort.  The test of strength and durable of the multi-purpose table, was tested method by used static force applied vertically, at the pressure of 1200 newtons, 3 points, 10 times per point. It found that the stability and durability test passed the TIS 1494-2541 standard and the evaluation of Satisfaction in using is at Very satisfied.

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How to Cite
Inthasak, S., Rungfar, Y., & Kuananan, P. (2023). Design of a multi-purpose table set used to promote the quality of life of the visually impaired. Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok Research Journal, 16(2), 113–126. retrieved from
Research article
Author Biographies

Suwinai Inthasak, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok

Interior Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 

Yingyong Rungfar, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok

Industrial Product Design Technology,
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 

Pisit Kuananan, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok

Industrial Product Design Technology,
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 


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