The quality of vermicompost from sweet potato crop wastes and its impact on growth promotion of Brassica chinensis

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พิชญ์ ตั้งสมบัติวิจิตร
ดาวจรัส เกตุโรจน์


          Sweet potato is considered one of the most important economic plants of tambol Tubnam, Pranakorn Sriayutthaya province. Each year, after harvesting season, significant amount of organic wastes from sweet potato stems are left on the field and it could take many years to decompose these wastes to become natural fertilizer. Since vermicomposting technique is a quick and effective way to produce fertilizer with high nutrients. Therefore, the objective of this research is to conduct the experiment on vermicomposting from sweet potato stems using the earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae. To measure the effectiveness of sweet potato stems on vermicomposting, we vermicompost and compost in three different treatments. The results showed that using sweet potato stems for vermicomposting yield higher nutrient content, especially potassium, which increases more than 2.2 times. Finally, to determine the effect of vermicompost on plant growth, all the treatments of vermicompost and compost were applied to Brassica chinensis for 28 days. The results showed that the vermicompost from sweet potato stems outperform the other treatments especially on the average height of the plants. In conclusion, the sweet potato stems are proven to be good sources for vermicomposting.

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ตั้งสมบัติวิจิตร พ., & เกตุโรจน์ ด. (2018). The quality of vermicompost from sweet potato crop wastes and its impact on growth promotion of Brassica chinensis. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 6(2), 124–133. Retrieved from
Research Article


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