Development of Artillery Sound Ranging

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ไชยพล กลิ่นจันทร์
สุรศักดิ์ แพน้อย


          The goal of this research was to develop the sound ranging system for supporting an operational strategy implementation. The system used target detection method from an artillery sound source of an opponent without wave diffusion, and used the results of the detection calculation to guide the target searching device. This method resulted in fast and accurate attacks and could be used as a battlefield surveillance as well. The study used a calculation of artillery sound coordinate which was conducted by a signal’s difference value approximation at a time when it reached the sound sensors. This method is called Time Difference of Arrivals (TDOA). The research was conducted as the followings: 1) developed a device for receiving artillery sound signals which consisted of 6 audio receivers, 2) developed a device for sending artillery sound signals via a military very high frequency (VHF) radio, and 3) developed a coordinates artillery sound application with higher accuracy by using data from meteorological measurement devices.

          The experiments were conducted in the artillery center, Lopburi province, which was in the middle of the mountain with height less than 400 meters. The accuracy of the calculations was enhanced by using meteorological measurement results from airborne instruments. The results from the simulating field examination showed that the system range detection’s accuracy was 600 meters in average, could be operated for 48 hours, and covered the front area for 10 square kilometers. The evaluation result by experts revealed that the system was completed and reliable.

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How to Cite
กลิ่นจันทร์ ไ., & แพน้อย ส. (2019). Development of Artillery Sound Ranging. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 7(1), 114–125. retrieved from
Research Article


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