The optimum condition of pre-gelatinized Hom Nil rice flour production by using double drum dryer

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Paphakorn Srisorn
Patchanee Boontaganon
Anongnat Sopanangkul
Yatipakorn Terapatponchai


          This research aimed to improve the physical properties of pre-gelatinized Hom Nil rice flour by using a double drum dryer. The study was divided into 2 parts: the study of the optimum ratio of Hom Nil rice flour to water, and the study of optimum drying conditions. According to the experiment, four levels of flour to water ratios as 50:90, 50:100, 50:115 and 50:125 (w/v) were determined. It was found that the optimum ratio was 50:100 (w/v), having the highest yield up to 77%. In a comparative study, pregelatinized Hom Nil rice flour was produced using a double drum dryer as six different conditions (PHF 1 - PHF 6) compared with two control flours, which were rice flour (RF) and Hom Nil rice flour (HF). The result showed that the pregelatinized Hom Nil rice flour obtained from a double drum dryer at 130 °C and a rotation speed of 12 rpm (PHF3) obtained the best properties of the flour, showing the highest water absorption ability, temperature and agitation resistance property, and turn soft when cooled down. Moreover, the anthocyanin content of PHF3 of 65.45 mg/g was not significantly different from Hom Nil rice flour of 66.18 mg/g (p>0.05), and also found that the inhibition of antioxidant activity as DPPH and ABTS were 5.69% and 22.86%, respectively.

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How to Cite
Srisorn, P., Boontaganon, P., Sopanangkul, A., & Terapatponchai, Y. (2020). The optimum condition of pre-gelatinized Hom Nil rice flour production by using double drum dryer. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 8(2), 199–214. retrieved from
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