Product development of healthy avocado cake cream

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Chanirat Phungbunhan
Krisana KetKham
Karun Phungbunhan
Nirut Khantaree


          This research aims to study the proper recipe of healthy cake cream from avocado that most accepted by consumer. The effect of stabilizer types on the characteristic of avocado cream and a comparison of nutritional value were evaluated. The study of the proper recipe of the healthy cake cream from avocado was done by developing from the popular butter cream recipe using 100% of avocado puree instead of shortening. There were 3 formulars, including recipe 1 from Junjira’s Sweet & Class (2017) (formula 1), recipe 2 from Junjira’s Sweet & Class (2017) (formula 2), and recipe 3 from Loly channel (2017). Sensory evaluation in laboratory level was tested as consumer acceptance by 45 panelists. A nine-point hedonic scale was used for sensory attributes, including appearance (color and odor), taste, texture, and overall liking. As the results, formula 1 had the highest consumer acceptance, which was significantly higher scores for all attributes than formula 2 and 3 (p≤0.05). The formula 1 contained avocado, salted butter, unsweetened condensed milk, icing sugar and vanilla at 26.74%, 26.74%, 16.04%, 29.41% and 1.07% by weight, respectively. Regarding to the study of the addition of stabilizers, including xanthan gum and gum arabic on the quality of the cake cream, the result was found that the avocado cake cream with gum arabic had the highest consumer acceptance by 45 panelists compared to the others (p≤0.05).  The result was in agreements with the acceptance test by the experts. The proper recipe was avocado, salted butter, unsweetened condensed milk, icing sugar, vanilla and gum arabic at 26.21%, 26.21%, 28.84%, 15.76%, 1.05% and 1.96% by weight, respectively. The developed avocado cream contained less energy (1,925.62 kcal), less fat (226.63 grams), more calcium (40 grams), more beta-carotene (325 micrograms) and less saturated fat (133.91 grams) compared to the cake cream with shortening. Therefore, this study has important good impact on consumer health and provided information to support the bakery industry.

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How to Cite
Phungbunhan, C., KetKham, K., Phungbunhan, K., & Khantaree, N. (2021). Product development of healthy avocado cake cream. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 9(1), 38–51. retrieved from
Research Article


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