Appropriate harvest date of Nam Wah banana on the production of reduced sugar solar dried banana using ultrasonic technology
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The ripening stage of bananas resulted in high sugar content in solar-dried bananas. Utilizing early-harvested bananas as raw materials and applying ultrasonic technology for porous in plant tissue may be an approach in the development of reduced-sugar solar-dried banana products. This research aims to produce reduced-sugar solar-dried bananas by comparing three banana harvest ages and applying ultrasonic treatment to fresh bananas before drying at frequencies of 40, 80, 135, and 200 KHz for 30 or 60 seconds. It was determined that bananas harvested at 110 days after flowering (DAF) were found to be suit for solar-dried banana production, exhibiting a Brix/acid ratio of 787.87, total soluble solids (TSS) of 26.0ºBrix, malic acid of 0.033%, reducing sugar of 136.05 mg/g, and non-reducing sugar of 27.30 mg/g, respectively. Samples subjected to 30 seconds of four ultrasonic treatments showed reductions in the concentration of TSS, reducing sugar, and non-reducing sugar ranging from 13.89% to 15.28%, 10.30% to 25.29%, and 27.47% to 46.96%, respectively. Furthermore, samples performed with 60 seconds of ultrasonic treatment showed significantly greater decreases in reducing sugar (19.69% to 30.32%) and non-reducing sugar (42.97% to 56.59%) compared to samples dried using the conventional method. It was also found that subjecting fresh bananas to ultrasonic treatment before drying could reduce the hardness of solar-dried bananas. These findings indicate the potential application of ultrasonic technology in the production of reduced-sugar solar-dried bananas.
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