Growth potential, herbage yield, and nutritional value of 10 sugarcane hybrids (Saccharum officinarum x S. spontaneum) for sugarcane forage usage
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Sugarcane hybrids (Saccharum officinarum x S. spontaneum) are tolerant to drought, exhibit good tillering, have a high dry matter content, and are suitable for use as ruminants feed. The present study aimed to evaluate the growth, yield, and nutritional value of sugarcane hybrids. The field experiment was conducted at Kamphaeng Phet province in 2021-2022. The field experiment was arranged in RCBD with 4 replications, and consisted of 10 clones of sugarcane hybrid (clone 1-124, 1-131, 1-144, 2-180, 2-200, 2-42, 3-20, 3-22, KU58-5-6 and KU58-5-7) with two check sugarcane varieties (Khon Kaen 3 and Biotec 2) and Napier grass. The growth measurements, yield, and nutritional values including contents of crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) were collected. The results showed that the clones KU58-5-6, KU58-5-7,3-22, 2-42, and 2-200 had an average plant height of 97, 93, 88, 97 and 92%, respectively, compared to that of Biotec 2, which exhibited the highest average plant height. Clone 3-20 produced the highest average tiller number (15.10 tiller/clump). Clone 2-200 had a higher average fresh biomass yield (4,820 kg/rai) than Napier grass and Biotec 2. All sugarcane clones showed an average total fresh biomass yield range of 81-119% compared to Napier grass. For nutritional value, the leaves of sugarcane clones had a higher average CP content than the stem, and the average CP content in the leaves of the six sugarcane clones was lower than that in Napier grass. The average NDF and ADF contents of stems in clones 1-131, 1-144, 2-180, 2-200, 3-22, KU58-5-6, and KU58-5-7 were lower than those in Napier grass. The average ADL content of sugarcane clone 1-131 and 2-200 had lower than Napier grass. Based on physiological and nutritional values, it is indicated that sugarcane clone 2-200 shows potential as ruminant animal feed.
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