Growth inhibiting of pathogenic microorganisms and toxicity on cancer cells with Physalis angulata extracts

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Sirapat Akkhosuwan
Siriporn Bumpenphol
Thichapat Detnorsing
Kamonaphach Nantakarn
Thanavadee Boonchaidee


          A study of Physalis angulata extracts with ultrasonic bath at a frequency of 45 kHz at 40°C for 30 minutes showed that these extracts provided DPPH scavenging effect against 4 pathogenic bacteria: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Magnaporthe grisea and Alternaria brassicicola, and also including in vitro anti-cancer cell testing of three types of cancer cell lines, which are lung cancer cells (NCI-H187), hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2), oral cancer cells (KB), and colon cancer cells (Caco2). The test showed that the IC50 values ​​of antioxidant DPPH of methanol extracts from roots, stems, leaves and fruits, acetone extracts from roots, leaves and fruits were not significant difference from the IC50 values ​​of ascorbic acid (p≥0.05), which ​​were 97.52±22.29, 321.11±160.79, 109.25±7.76, 98.00±3.93, 218.86±55.25, 132.22±7.63, 109.09±7.45 and 26.00±0.36 µg/ml, respectively. Hexane extract from roots exhibited the highest IC50 which were significant difference from acetone and methanol extracts, IC50 was at 546.89 ± 216.91 µg/ml. It was found that acetone extract from fruits was significantly inhibited the growth of M. tuberculosis than K. pneumoniae, M. grisea and A. brassicicola. In addition, the extracts were toxic to lung cancer cells, which were statistical difference from hepatocellular carcinoma cells, oral cancer cells and colon cancer cells (p<0.05). Guidelines for application of this study are to promote the use of herbs to reduce excess fat accumulation.

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How to Cite
Akkhosuwan, S., Bumpenphol, S., Detnorsing, T., Nantakarn, K., & Boonchaidee, T. (2024). Growth inhibiting of pathogenic microorganisms and toxicity on cancer cells with Physalis angulata extracts. RMUTSB ACADEMIC JOURNAL, 12(2), 169–185. retrieved from
Research Article


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