Tissue Culture from Embryo of Magnolia Lotus and Hindu Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn) and Determination of Sensitivity to gamma rays

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sirirat phakpaknam


This research aims to 1) culture tissues from embryos of Magnolia Lotus and Hindu Lotus and 2) determine the sensitivity of their seedlings from tissue culture to gamma rays. Seeds of both Lotus were sterile with sintering method. Then, their embryos were separated based on the standard color template RAL (German Reichs – Ausschuβ far Lieferbedingungen and Gatesicherung) into 4 shades including Fern green, Yellow green, May green, and Leaf green. After culturing the embryos on the MS agar for 8 weeks, the growth of seedlings was measured. The results showed no statistical significance of the petiole length and root number of the seedlings obtained from each shade of embryos. All seedlings had only 1 shoot/plant, therefore 3 mg/L BA broth was added onto MS agar. After further culturing for 8 weeks, the shoot numbers were increased in all plants. Then, the seedlings of both Lotus were treated with different dosages of gamma rays at 0, 20, 30, and 40 Gy. The treated seedlings were cultured on MS agar for 4 weeks and their survival rate was determined. The probit curve analysis revealed that LD50 of Magnolia Lotus and Hindo Lotus were 36.99 and 35.34 Gy, respectively.

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