Title: Journal of Science and Technology Mahasarakham University

ISSN: 2985-2617 (Print) || 2985-2625 (Online)


Publication Language: Thai, English

Online open access publication start year: 2013

Issue 5 of 2023 - present: Journal of Science and Technology Mahasarakham University, 2985-2617 (Print) , 2985-2625 (Online)

2013 - Issue 4 of 2023: Warasan Witthayasat Lae Theknoloyi Mahawitthayalai Mahasarakham, ISSN: 1686-9664 (Print), 2586-9795(Online)

Division of Research facilitation and dissemination Mahasarakham University 2nd floor Silk innovation building, Kham Riang, Kantharawichai, Maha Sarakham, Thailand 44150

Advising Editor
President of Mahasarakham University
Professor Dr.Peerasak Srinives
Professor Dr.Visut Baimai
Professor Dr.Vichai Boonseang

Publication Schedule (6 issues per year)
Journal of Science and Technology is published six issues per year with approximately 120 papers per year.
1. January - February
2. March - April
3. May - June
4. July - August
5. September - October
6. Novermber - December

Editor in Chief :
Professor Preecha Prathepa, Mahasarakham University

Aim & Scope

      The journal of science and technology is the journal aim to distribute the science and technology research. The scope of the journal are as follows: Science, Biological Science, Health Science, and Engineering. All article will be reviewed by professional reviewers from both outside and inside Mahasarakham University


Open Access Policy

Open Access Journal of Science and Technology  Mahasarakham University is open access with the content licensing CC-BY-ND which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the Contribution is properly cited, no modifications or adaptations are made. For an understanding of what is meant by the terms of the Creative Commons License, please refer to creative common license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/


Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0)

 Journal of Science and Technology Mahasarakham University is Published by Mahasarakham University. All article is open access article under the CC BY-ND 4.0 license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/).

Vol. 44 No. 1 (2025)

Published: 2025-03-07

Study of the optimal ratio of biodegradable plant Pot from cassava rhizome and bagasse

Kant Wirunphan, Kiattichai Saetow, Suphawit Kawiinjaronchai, Puangthonng Taauea, Surassawadee Paliphot


Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory of Antigonon leptopus flower extract

Nadaphast Koomklang, Phiphatphol Saranothayan, ์Namooy Panya


Geospatial analysis to estimate the solar energy in household scale by geographic information systems

Jirawat Jantongpoon, Pornarai Boonrasi, Rodjana Khoonpoon, Siriwat Jongwang, Natapong Arunvong, Watcharaporn Sengain


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