The study of the building energy management for reducing the electrical energy demand in air conditioning systems case study : prototype building in university of Phayao

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นัทธิ์ธนนท์ พงษ์พานิช


This research is a study of the electrical energy management from air conditioning systems during summer. This is the main reason that causes the highest peak power demand in Thailand each year. From the evaluation of the air-conditioned area of the prototype building, it was found that the size of air conditioning system installed in the building was bigger than the maximum heat gained from the calculation. The peak demand from the calculation is 68.62 W/m2. When the building is used, it was found that the maximum value of peak demand is 85.55 W/m2 or higher than the suitable values 20%. This highest value occurs between 13.30 and 16.30. From the continuous testing, the average value of peak demand during the test is 48.15 W/m2. The data from the test is then used to design the electrical energy management system together with the Chilled Water Thermal Storage (CWTS). In this system, the volume flow rate controller of cold water and the cool air from an efficient air handling unit can respond to the heat load. This is a form of demand side management (DSM). The results of the tests in the prototype area showed that the average power demand and the average electricity energy decreased more than 30% from those before improvement. This is 20% better than the design.

According to the study, it can be concluded that energy management design based on CWTS format can be used with the existing air conditioner of the building. In addition, the efficiency of energy management can be increased by using the equipment having higher coefficients of performance (COP) and the design of electrical energy control systems that response to the changes of demand response for electricity (DR) from the outside weather, together with the production of electricity from solar cells, which require further study.

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