ความสัมพันธ์แบบกรีนของโคไฮเพอร์ซับสติวชันเชิงเส้นชนิด \tau = (n)

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Julaluk Boonsol


Linear cohypersubstitutions of type gif.latex?\tau = (n) are mappings which map the n-ary co-operation symbols to linear coterms of type gif.latex?\tau. Every linear cohypersubstitution gif.latex?\sigma of type gif.latex?\tau = (n) induces a mapping gif.latex?\hat{\sigma} on the set of all linear coterms of type gif.latex?\tau. The set of all linear cohypersubstitutions of type gif.latex?\tau under the binary operation gif.latex?\circ_{coh} which is defined by gif.latex?\sigma_1&space;\circ_{coh}&space;\sigma_2&space;:=&space;\hat{\sigma}_1&space;\circ&space;\sigma_2 for all gif.latex?\sigma_1,&space;\sigma_2&space;\in&space;Cohyp^{lin}(n) forms a monoid. In this paper, we characterize Green’s relations on  gif.latex?Cohyp^{lin}(n).

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