Fuzzy Weak Hyper Filters of Hyper BE-Algebras
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The aim of this work is to introduce the notion of fuzzy weak hyper filters in hyper BE-algebras and investigate some of its properties. Then, this research shows that the set of all fuzzy weak hyper filters of hyper BE-algebras is a distributive complete lattice. Also, the concepts of Noetherian hyper BE-algebras and Artinian hyper BE-algebras are characterized by their fuzzy weak hyper filters.
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Original Articles
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2. Kim HS, Kim YH. On BE-algebras, Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 2007;66(1):113-116.
3. Imai Y, Iséki K. On axiom systems of propositional calculi XIV, Proceeding of the Japan Academy 1966;42:19-22.
4. Iséki K. An algebra related with a propositional calculus, Proceeding of the Japan Academy 1966;42:26-29.
5. Song SZ, Jun BY, Lee KJ. Fuzzy ideals in BE-algebras, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 2010;33(1):147-153.
6. Dymek G, Walendziak A. Fuzzy filters of BE-algebras, Mathematica Slovaca 2013;63(5):935-945.
7. Marty F. Sur une generalization de la notion de group, Proceeding of 8th Congress des Mathematician Scandinave 1934;45-49.
8. Radfar A, Rezaei A, Borumand Saeid A. Hyper BE-algebras, Novi Sad of mathematics 2014;44(2):137-147.
9. Cheng XY, Xin XL. Filter theory on hyper BE-algebras, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2015;35:509-526.
10. Corsini P. Prolegomena of hypergroup theory. USA: Aviani Editore; 1993.
11. Vougiouklis T. Hyperstructures and their representations. USA: Handronic Press inc.; 1994.
12. Corsini P, Leoreanu V. Applications of hyperstructures theory Advances Mathematics. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers: 2003.
13. Davvaz B, Leoreanu-Fotea V. Hyperring theory and applications. USA: International Academic Press; 2007.
14. Bhattaccharya P, Mukherjee NP. Fuzzy relation and fuzzy groups, Information and Sciences 1985;36:267-282.
15. Vasantha Kandasamy WB. Smarandache fuzzy algebra. Rehoboth: American Research Press; 2007.
16. Sardar SK, Majumder SK. Fuzzy magnified translation on groups, Journal of Mathematics 2008;1(2):117-124.