Development of facial essence from mushroom extract
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In this study, the essence containing mushroom extract was developed and evaluated the stability of the product. Auricularia auricular-judae (Bull.), Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr.) Sing. and Pleurotus osttreatus (Fr.) Kummer were extracted and determined total polysaccharide by Phenol – sulfuric acid method, total phenolic content by Folin-ciocalteu method, and antioxidant activity by DPPH assay. The selected mushroom extract was developed the facial essence and evaluated the physical and chemical stability. The results found that P. osttreatus extract contained the highest polysaccharide at 90.01%. P. osttreatus extract showed highest total phenolic content at 0.783 ± 0.03 mg GAE/g. A. auricular-judae extract presented the highest free radical scavenging activity at the IC50 value of 159.55±21.47 µg/ml. Dried P. osttreatus was extracted by hot water which exhibited great bioactivities was selected to develop the facial essence containing gelling agent. After the stability test, this formulation showed the acceptable stability. Therefore, the essence containing P. osttreatus extract has the potential for further developed as a cosmetic product.
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