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วสวัตติ์ อินทร์แปลง
จารี ทองคำ


Text mining is a one of the most effective data analysis process by using alphabetically method. Currently, text mining techniques are used to classify a variety of ways. This research aims to fine the most effectiveness techniques from 5 techniques including Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbor and C4.5. The data collected were all made by the viewers, in total of 3,798 messages. The categorization process has divided the data into 2 groups: positive character and negative character. Interestingly, the process has only indicated to selects adverbs and slangs as a core division to produce positive and negative characters. After analyzing the data, to problems were found class imbalanced. SMOTE were used to filtering and increase the minority class. 10-fold cross validation is applied to segment the data into training and testing sets. Moreover, precision recall and accuracy are used as the criteria for selecting the most effective model. The results presented the Decision tree C4.5 produce the most accuracy in categorizing the messages with precision of 100% recall of 85.87% and accuracy score of 92.93%

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