Bio-coal and Green Fuel Production from Durian Peel

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Panjai - Saueprasearsit


This research aimed to study the bio-coal and green fuel production from durian peel. In the experiments, the durian peel was prepared to be durian peel char (DPC) and durian peel (DP) were grinded and mixed with a binder as waste grease (WG) at the ratio (w:w) of 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1 until the mixture couldn’t be molded. The appropriate ratios (DPC: WG and DP: WG) were determined from formability and physical characteristics. Then, theirs fuel properties and heating efficiencies were investigated and compared with Thai Community Product Standard (238/2547). The results presented that the optimal ratio of DPC: WG and DP: WG were 3:1 and 5:1. At these ratios, the heating values were 25,996 kJ/kg and 21,665 kJ/kg.  The heating efficiencies were 20.14% and 16.94%, respectively. All properties were higher than Thai Community Product Standard (238/2547). Cost of bio-coal production was 8.14 baht per kilogram. Cost of green fuel production was 24.54 baht per kilogram. All results can be concluded that the bio-coal and green fuel from durian peel are interested an alternative energy. Moreover, the useful of durian peel is the waste utilization and management. It is an eco-friendly approach.


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