The Performance Comparison of Cardiovascular Risk Prediction Models using Data Mining Algorithms

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ผศ.ดร.นงเยาว์ ในอรุณ


This research aimed (1) to create cardiovascular risk diagnosis prediction model using algorithms including Neural Network, Random Forest, Naïve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbors and Decision Tree (2) five algorithms were used with attribute selection and (3) comparing the model performance using 10-Fold cross validation method. Tools used are MySQL and RapidMiner Studio programs. The data set were people who screened patients with cardiovascular disease that were collected from the Saraburi Provincial Public Health Office during 2018-2019 from 12 Saraburi hospitals and 126 health promoting hospitals. The results were found that the model with the best prediction performance was the neural network model with attribute selection having 99.29% accuracy and the lowest was the decision tree model with 70.39% accuracy. This research concluded that neural network model with attribute selection of the best qualifications that should be further developed for early diagnosis of cardiovascular risk web applications.

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