Calculation of the propagator for a simple harmonic oscillator coupled to a constant electric field via Schwinger’s method

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Thanasa Chaithanapreecha
Nattapong Yongram


     In this article, we compute the Feynman propagator for a simple harmonic oscillator coupled to a constant electric field using Schwinger’s method, which is based on the solution of the Heisenberg equations for the position and canonical momentum operators. Such solutions are then used to write the ordered Hamiltonian operator of the position operators and. The utilization of proper operator ordering, along with subsidiary and initial conditions, results in the yield of such propagator. We found that the propagator obtained is consistent with the one obtained using the Feynman path integral in the work of Poon and Muñoz (Poon & Muñoz 1999). We anticipate that our exposition of this technique will contribute to its wider recognition among physics teachers and students.

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Original Articles


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