Cultivation of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus(Jacq. exFr.) Kumm.)by Using the Waste Coconut Husk from Orchid Cultivation
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In order to take advantage from waste coconut husk from the orchid farming industry, a suitable condition for oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex Fr.) Kumm.) cultivation by using the waste coconut husk from the orchid culture was studied. The waste coconut husk from the orchid culture and Para-rubber wood sawdust in different ratios were investigated for oyster mushroom cultivation. The results revealed that the waste coconut husk and the sawdust with the ratio of 25:75 gave the highest percentage of biological efficiency by 67.20 ± 10.41. When this ratio of culture media was used as the basic media, the factors, i.e. rice barn, sucrose, lime, gypsum, Epsom salt, urea and molasses, affecting the mushroom production were studied by using Plackett-Burman experimental designs. The rice bran and lime showed a significant effect on mushroom production. Response Surface Methodology was used for study on optimum concentration of percentage of biological efficiency of mushroom by Central Composite Design of two factors. The optimum concentration for highest percentage of biological efficiency of oyster mushroom production was 11% rice bran and 2% lime as supplements, which yield percentage biological efficiency by 71.51. The chemical composition of the oyster mushroom cultivated in the waste coconut husk and saw dust ratio of 25:75 was analyzed. The results showed that the mushroom contained 16.09% protein, 68.73% carbohydrates, 1.16% fat, 37.40% crude fiber, and 5.87% ash in term of dry weight.
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