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Gluten free pasta (GFP) has become a high demand commercial product, mostly from those with celiac disease. The objective of this research was to investigate the suitable ratio and effect of flour from flesh, inner seed, and inner layer of shell on quality of GFP was investigated. This work used completely randomized design for experiments. The results showed that the level of durian flour substitute increases, the firmness (g) and toughness (g.cm) of GFP was increased. Lightness (L* value), b* value and sensory scores were decreased when durian flour was increased. In conclusion, the optimum formulation of GFP contained of 35.1 g rice flour, 13.5 g potato flour, 5.4 g tapioca flour, 18 g durian flesh flour, 18 g durian seed flour, 10 g durian inner layer of shell flour, 2 g xanthan gum, 60 g egg, 1 g salt and 2 g olive oil that would meet acceptability scores of at least 7.58±0.75 or like moderately.
Keywords: flour; gluten free; pasta; durian; texture
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