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The aim of this study is to develop milkfish noodles mixed with green caviar from Sea Farm Royal Project initiated by HM Queen Sirikit, Phetchaburi province, Thailand. The study of different proportions of milkfish mixed with chicken breast (100, 90, 80 and 70 %), and the study of the different proportions of tilapia in place of chicken breast (0, 10, 15 and 20 %) were carried out. In addition, the study of the different proportions of green caviar powder (0, 1, 1.5 and 2 %) was also achieved. It was found that most of the expert panelists preferred the formulation with 70 % of milkfish, 10 % of chicken breast and 20 % of tilapia and green caviars as an extra ingredient, was mostly preferred at 1.5 %. Then, 30 general consumers were asked to rate the noodles based on the five sensory traits-color, smell, flavor, texture, taste and overall preference score which were considered highly and acceptable. Thus this formula was used in storage test to monitor physical and chemical changes, and the growth of microorganism at 5-8 °C for 20 days. It was found that the product slightly turned brown. The pH value decreased, whereas the total plate counts and yeast increased. Mold was not detected in the product. The product spoilage accelerated within five days of storage. The results of nutritional analysis revealed that the product was rich in high-quality protein, iron, and vitamin B1, but low in fat.
Keywords: milkfish; green caviar; noodle from fish
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