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A retrospective study of deaths from traffic accidents involving alcohol and methamphetamine/amphetamine was conducted. Data were collected from five province areas: Pathum Thani, Nonthaburi, Ayutthaya, Saraburi and Lopburi which are under the responsibility of Central Institute of Forensic Science (CIFS) during 2014-2016. The results showed that the deaths from traffic accidents were 1,458 cases, males who had blood alcohol level > 50 mg/dL (93.3 %) and methamphetamine/amphetamine positive (87.7 %) were mostly found. Most of the deaths were aged 20-30 years (alcohol: 36.9 %, methamphetamine/amphetamine: 42.5 %). Deaths by car accidents were 43.3 and 41.5 % related blood alcohol > 50 mg/dL and methamphetamine/ amphetamine respectively. Timings of the deaths from traffic accidents were mostly found during 18:01-24:00 PM and 00:01-06:00 AM. In conclusion, death causing from traffic accidents was related alcohol drinking and methamphetamine/amphetamine usage.
Keywords: traffic accident; death; alcohol; methamphetamine; amphetamine
Article Details
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