Enzyme and Non-enzyme Antioxidant Activities of Cherry Tomato, Sida Pink Tomato and Big Red Tomato Fruit Extracts

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Niramon Thamwiriyasati
Pongrung Chancharoen
Kultida Klarod


Tomatoes are considered a nutritious fruit. Each tomato species has a different wide variety level of antioxidants. It is commonly eaten fresh and processed into various health products. In this present study, we aimed to compare the antioxidant capacities of three types of tomato fruit extracts (cherry tomato, Sida pink tomato, and big red tomato). We conducted measurement on vitamin C content, non-enzymatic antioxidant activity by ferric reducing-antioxidant power (FRAP) assay and DPPH (free radical scavenging) method, and enzyme activity measurement by superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase methods. The results showed that all three types of tomatoes contain both enzyme-based and non-enzymatic antioxidants. Cherry tomato consisted of the highest vitamin C content. Sida pink and big red tomatoes were observed equally contained vitamin C when using the same amount of gram weight. Cherry tomato fruit showed the highest percentage of free radical inhibition of SOD as 53% by water extract, and the highest catalase enzyme activity as 31 M by ethanol extract. In comparison, Sida pink tomato fruit of ethanol extract suggested the greatest level of antioxidant FRAP value as 62 mg/mL. Big red tomato showed IC50 of DPPH as 0.59 μg/mL with the best results using ethanol extract. Based on the different antioxidant properties of each tomato could lead to further gain in selective tomato consumption. Thus, the processing method on the extract enhances bioactive and value of products that could improve protective consequence directly on health and goal of treatment.

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Biological Sciences