Guide for Manuscript Contribution

Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) welcomes contributions from authors who wish to share their original research and scholarly insights in the field of agricultural science. To ensure the highest quality and relevance of published content, please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing and submitting manuscripts.

1. Manuscript Preparation

  • Ensure all submissions are in English and adhere to internationally recognized standards for academic writing.
  • Organize, structure, and format manuscripts according to the journal's guidelines to promote clarity and coherence.

2. Originality and Scope

  • Present original research findings, novel methodologies, or innovative perspectives within agricultural science.
  • Ensure the content aligns with the aims and scope of TJAS as outlined in the journal's description.

3. Title and Abstract

  • Craft a concise and informative title that accurately reflects the manuscript's content.
  • Provide an abstract that offers a clear overview of the research objectives, methods, key findings, and implications.

4. Keywords

  • Select relevant keywords that succinctly capture the essence of the research, aiding in discoverability.

5. Structure

  • Organize manuscripts logically into sections, including Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References, as applicable.

6. Citations and References

  • Follow standardized citation formats, providing accurate and complete references to all sources cited in the manuscript.
  • Cite recent and pertinent literature to place the research within the broader context of the field.

7. Figures and Tables

  • Incorporate figures, tables, and illustrations where necessary to visually enhance the presentation of results.
  • Ensure that all figures and tables are appropriately labeled and referenced within the text.

8. Ethical Considerations

  • Demonstrate ethical integrity by providing proper attribution to sources and avoiding any form of plagiarism.
  • Clearly disclose any conflicts of interest or potential biases.

9. Peer Review and Revisions

  • Prepare for the peer review process, during which experts in the field will evaluate the manuscript.
  • Diligently and comprehensively address reviewers' comments and suggestions when making revisions.

10. Manuscript Submission

  • Submit the manuscript through the journal's online submission system, following the provided instructions.
  • Ensure that the submission includes all required elements, such as supplementary files, figures, and author information.


Manuscript Submission Guidelines

When submitting a manuscript to TJAS, authors affirm that their work has not been previously published, is not under consideration elsewhere, and has received the necessary approvals from all contributing authors and relevant authorities. Authors agree that if the manuscript is accepted for publication, it will not be replicated in the same or similar form, whether in English or any other language, without the written consent of the Publisher. To facilitate the review process, adhere to the following submission guidelines:

1. Provide Referees and Contact Information: During submission, provide the names and email addresses of five potential referees. Ensure at least two referees are English-speaking natives.

2. Submit in Electronic Format: The preferred format for manuscripts is electronic. Submit a single MS Word document via the online submission portal at TJAS Submissions

3. Ensure Comprehensive Submission: Include all manuscript components, such as text, tables, and figures, compiled into a single file.


Preparation of Manuscripts for Submission to TJAS

Authors are requested to adhere to the following guidelines when preparing manuscripts for submission to TJAS:

1. Submit in Final Form: Submit manuscripts in their final form, as no further corrections or additions will be possible post-submission.

2. Use English and Proofread: Write manuscripts in English. Authors whose native language is not English should seek assistance from a colleague proficient in English prior to submission.

3. Use SI Units: Utilize SI units for consistency throughout the manuscript.

4. Formatting: Prepare manuscripts using Arial Font, 10 pt., with numbered lines and double-spacing throughout, including abstracts, footnotes, and references. Number the manuscript consecutively, including title, references, and tables. Maintain a margin width of 2.54 cm for all sides. Place tables and figures, along with their captions, at the end of the text, with each page of the manuscript numbered.

5. Organize the Manuscript: Structure the manuscript in the following sequence:

a. Title: Clear, descriptive, and concise.

b. Author Information: Include author names, affiliations, fax, and email details. For multiple authors, indicate the corresponding author.

c. Abstract

d. Keywords: List 4-6 keywords below the abstract for search enhancement.

e. Introduction

f. Materials and Methods

g. Results and Discussion

h. Conclusions

i. Acknowledgments

j. References

k. Tables

l. Figures and Figure Captions

6. Use Bold Roman Type for Main Headings: Use bold Roman type for main headings (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, References) and light italic type for minor headings.

7. List References Correctly: Ensure that all references mentioned in the text are listed in the References section. Cite references chronologically within the text, separated by semi-colons. List references alphabetically. Use a comma between the author's name and date in-text.

8. Ensure Legibility of Figures and Symbols: Confirm that stippling and symbols in figures are legible at the anticipated publication size..

9. Make Tables Self-Explanatory: Include headings, headnotes, and footnotes to ensure tables are self-explanatory.

10. Place Tables and Figures at the End: Place tables and figures at the manuscript's end, each on a separate page. Indicate their approximate positions within the text.

11. Number Figures and Tables Sequentially: Verify that figures and tables are numbered in the order they are discussed in the text.


Abstract of the Manuscript

1. Craft a Clear and Informative Abstract: Write a clear, descriptive, and concise abstract spanning 250–300 words. Succinctly outline your study's objectives, materials, results, conclusions, and applications in an easily understood manner.

2. Recognize Scientific Dissemination: Understand the abstract's role as a condensed representation of your research, aiding its dissemination through abstracting journals. It also serves as a quick reference for readers seeking an overview of your work.

3. Ensure Structured Presentation: Follow the structure of "Background and Objectives," "Methodology," "Main Results," and "Conclusions." Present your study's core elements under these headings.

4. Maintain Clarity and Independence: Write in complete sentences using standard terminology. Avoid referencing external sources, allowing the abstract to stand independently.

5. Minimize Abbreviations and Provide Definitions: Reduce the use of non-standard or uncommon abbreviations. When necessary, provide clear definitions upon their initial mention within the abstract.


Keywords of the Manuscript

Select keywords that aptly represent the content of your manuscript, aiding in its discoverability and classification. Include 3 to 5 relevant keywords carefully chosen to encapsulate the essence of your research.


Table Preparation

When preparing tables for submission to TJAS, please adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Optimal Sizing and Layout: Be mindful of the Journal's layout and size limitations. Avoid overly large tables. Reorganizing columns and rows can often help reduce table dimensions effectively.

2. Division for Clarity: For presenting extensive data, consider dividing them into two or more tables for enhanced clarity and readability.

3. Drawn Tables: Ensure tables are not folded to preserve their quality for reproduction.

4. Sequential Numbering: Number tables according to their appearance in the text sequence. Refer to each table by its corresponding number in the manuscript text.

5. Clear and Concise Titles: Provide each table with a concise and self-explanatory title, facilitating swift comprehension.

6. Explanatory Column Headings: Keep column headings brief yet adequately explanatory. Include standard unit abbreviations within parentheses.

7. Column Separation: Refrain from using vertical lines to separate columns. Instead, create additional space between columns for improved visual separation.

8. Footnote Explanations: Provide essential explanations in a footnote at the bottom of the table if necessary for clarity.


Picture Preparation

When preparing figures (pictures) for submission to TJAS, please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure optimal quality and effective communication of your research findings:

1. Resolution and Quality:

  • Provide high-resolution images with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch) for clear and detailed visuals.
  • Ensure images are sharp and free from pixelation or blurriness.

2. File Formats:

  • Preferred file formats include TIFF, JPEG, and PNG.
  • Ensure chosen format maintains image quality without compression artifacts.

3. Legibility and Clarity:

  • Ensure all text, labels, and symbols are easily readable after resizing.
  • Use contrasting colors for clarity and accessibility.

4. Sizing and Dimensions:

  • Resize images to fit within the journal's layout while maintaining clarity.
  • Ideal widths: 8–10 cm for single-column layout, 17–20 cm for double-column layout.

5. Numbering and Titles:

  • Number figures sequentially according to their appearance in the text.
  • Provide a concise and descriptive caption or title for each picture, explaining its content and relevance.

6. Referencing:

  • In your manuscript, refer to each picture by its corresponding number, e.g., "Figure 1".

7. Consistency and Styling:

  • Maintain consistent font type, size, and labeling style throughout figures.
  • Ensure uniformity in line thickness, shading, and symbols.

8. Permissions and Credits:

  • Obtain necessary permissions for copyrighted images.
  • Provide proper credits for images sourced from external references.

9. Placement of Figures:

  • Place figures in a separate section at the end of the manuscript.

10. Accessibility:

  • Ensure the figures are accessible to all readers, including those with visual impairments.
  • Provide alt text descriptions for images to enhance accessibility


References Guidelines

1. Inclusion in the References List: Compile all references cited in the manuscript's text meticulously in a References list placed after the main text. Ensure precise alignment of authors' names and dates between the text and the reference list through thorough cross-checking.

2. Citations in the Text: Refer to the author's surname (excluding initials) and the publication year within the manuscript text. Provide a concise citation of specific pages if applicable. Examples: "Peterson (1988) demonstrated..." or "This corresponds with later findings (Kramer, 1989).

3. Multiple Authors' References: Use the first author's name followed by "et al." within the text for references with more than two authors. Do not use "et al." in the reference list; specify both first authors and co-authors.

4. Sequential Arrangement: References cited together within the text should be chronologically organized. The reference list itself should follow an alphabetical order by authors' surnames, and within each author, a chronological sequence. If an author is cited with co-authors, arrange entries as follows: publications by the individual author, chronologically ordered; publications by the same author with one co-author; publications by the author with multiple co-authors. In cases where identical author(s) have publications in the same year, employ labeling such as 1974a, 1974b, and so on.

5. Structured Referencing: Follow this structured system for reference organization:

a. For Periodicals:
Schmitt, E.R. and W. Feucht. 1983. Content of linolenic acid in senescing cherry leaves. Sci. Hort. 55: 273-282.

b. For Edited Symposia, Special Issues, etc. Published in Periodicals:
Rice, K. 1992. Theory and conceptual issues, pp. 9-26. In: G.A.E., Gall and M. Staton, (Eds.), Integrating Conservation Biology and Agricultural Production. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 42.

c. For Books:
Krinsley, D.H. and J.C. Doornkamp. 1973. Atlas of Quartz Sand Surface Textures. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

d. For Multi-Author Books:
Day, D.R. 1965. Particle fraction and particle size analysis, pp. 545-566. In: C.A. Black, (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis, Part I. Agronomy No. 9. Am. Soc. of Agron. Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

6. Title Abbreviations: Employ abbreviations for periodical titles in accordance with the International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations.

7. Work "In Press": References indicating works accepted for publication but not yet published should be labeled as "in press.".

8. Personal Communications and Unpublished Data: While references regarding unpublished data and "personal communications" are not to be included in the reference list, they may be appropriately cited within the text.


Guidelines for Writing Formulae

1. Presentation of Formulae: Whenever possible, formulae should be neatly typewritten, allowing for sufficient white space around them to ensure clarity.

2. Subscripts and Superscripts: Ensure subscripts and superscripts are distinct and legible. Contribute to the formula's intelligibility.

3. Clarity of Non-Latin Symbols: Clarify Greek letters and non-Latin or handwritten symbols in the margin upon first usage. Distinguish zero (0) from the letter O, and one (1) from the letter l.

4. Symbol Explanations: Immediately after presenting an equation, provide the meanings of all symbols used.

5. Fraction Representation: Utilize the solidus (/) for straightforward fractions, instead of employing a horizontal line.

6. Equation Numbering: Sequentially number equations within parentheses on the right-hand side. Number only equations specifically referenced in the text.

7. Fractional Powers and Exponential Notation: Prefer fractional powers over root signs for clarity. Powers of 'e' can be denoted more conveniently as 'exp'.

8. Statistical Significance Levels: Denote levels of statistical significance as "P", which can be mentioned without further explanation.

9. Chemical Formulae: Indicate ion valence in chemical formulae, e.g., Ca²⁺ instead of Ca⁺⁺.

10. Isotope Representation: Place the isotope number before the symbol in notation, e.g., 18O.

11. Minimization of Repetition: Avoid repetitive presentation of chemical formulae within the text when feasible. Instead, provide the complete compound name. Exceptions may apply, such as using a shortened form for frequently recurring lengthy names or denoting a compound as the final result of a gravimetric determination (e.g., phosphate as P2O5).

Ethical Guidelines for Authors Utilizing AI in Manuscript Preparation

  • Transparency: Authors must clearly disclose the use of AI tools in the preparation of the manuscript, specifying the extent of AI involvement and its role in data analysis, text generation, or any other relevant aspect.

  • Authorship: Authors should ensure that all individuals who have significantly contributed to the research are credited as co-authors. Proper acknowledgment of AI tools and their developers should also be included where applicable.

  • Originality: Authors must guarantee that the manuscript is original and has not been published elsewhere. If AI tools have been used to generate text or analyze data from existing sources, proper citations and permissions must be obtained.

  • Accuracy and Validity: Authors are responsible for the accuracy and validity of the content presented in the manuscript. AI-generated outputs should be critically evaluated and validated by the authors to ensure they meet scholarly standards.

  • Ethical Considerations: Authors should consider ethical implications related to the use of AI, including data privacy, bias, and fairness. Any potential ethical issues should be addressed and disclosed in the manuscript.

  • Compliance with Guidelines: Authors should comply with TJAS submission guidelines and ethical standards as outlined by relevant professional bodies or institutions.

  • Peer Review: Authors should participate in the peer review process with integrity, responding to reviewer comments and providing clarification on AI-generated content as needed.

  • Disclosure: Authors should disclose any conflicts of interest related to the use of AI tools or funding sources that supported the research.