Aims and Scope of TJAS

Agriculture is fundamental to human survival and development. It supports food and fiber production, sustains livelihoods, and contributes to economic growth and environmental health. Understanding the intricate relationships between plants, animals, soil, and the environment is crucial for advancing agricultural practices and ensuring sustainability.

Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS; Online ISSN 2697-4762, Print ISSN 0049-3589) is a peer-reviewed journal covering all areas of agricultural research. Our objective is to provide a comprehensive forum for discussing current issues, new ideas, and developments in agricultural science. TJAS aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and innovations that enhance agricultural productivity, sustainability, and resilience.

TJAS spans a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Plant and Animal Sciences: Advancements in breeding, genetics, nutrition, production, and resource management, focusing on improving agricultural productivity and sustainability.
  • Soil Science: Comprehensive research on soil ecology, chemistry, biology, and conservation, aiming to enhance soil health and sustainable land management practices.
  • Plant Pathology and Management: In-depth studies on plant diseases, pest management strategies, and eco-friendly control measures to safeguard crop health and yield.
  • Environmental Science: Investigations into the environmental impacts of agricultural practices and the development of sustainable farming systems to promote ecological balance.
  • Agricultural Extension: Strategies and methodologies for effectively disseminating agricultural knowledge and practices, enhancing the capabilities and outcomes of farming communities.
  • Farm Mechanics: Innovations in agricultural machinery, mechanization, and equipment optimization to improve efficiency, productivity, and sustainability in farming operations.
  • Entomology: Research on insect biology, ecology, behavior, and sustainable pest management, focusing on harmful and beneficial insects in agricultural ecosystems.
  • Other Agriculture-related Sciences, Including agricultural economics, agroecology, and agricultural technology, address the broader aspects of agricultural science and its impact on society and the environment.

By encompassing such a wide array of topics, TJAS plays an essential role in facilitating the dissemination of cutting-edge agricultural research. Our journal serves as a crucial resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, supporting their efforts to advance agricultural science, promote sustainable practices, and ensure food security and environmental stewardship on a global scale.


Publication Frequency


TJAS publishes four issues per year, with each issue featuring five articles. The publication schedule is as follows:

  • Issue 1: January - March
  • Issue 2: April - June
  • Issue 3: July - September
  • Issue 4: October - December


Peer Review Process

TJAS is committed to maintaining high academic integrity and scientific excellence standards through a rigorous peer review process.

1. Initial Screening:

  • Upon submission, each manuscript undergoes an initial screening to ensure it aligns with the aims and scope of TJAS and meets plagiarism standards. Manuscripts with a plagiarism percentage greater than 20% (excluding the reference list) will be rejected immediately.
  • To expedite the review process, TJAS also evaluates the content of each manuscript for proper formatting and innovation. Manuscripts with poor formatting or unclear innovation will be returned to the authors for revision before proceeding with the review process or declined.

2. Double-Blind Review:

  • TJAS employs a double-blind review system, wherein both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous to each other. This ensures unbiased and impartial reviews. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two expert reviewers.

3. Review Timeline:

  • Once reviewers accept the invitation to review, they are given 3-4 weeks to complete their assessment. This timeline is designed to ensure thorough and timely reviews.

4. Reviewer Recommendations:

  • Re-submit for Review: If a reviewer recommends Re-submit for review, the revised manuscript will be returned to the same reviewer for re-evaluation.
  • Revision: If a reviewer suggests Revision, the Editor-in-Chief will thoroughly review how the authors have addressed all reviewers’ comments. The Editor-in-Chief will decide whether the revised manuscript should be sent to the same reviewers for further assessment. Multiple rounds of revisions may be required.

5. Final Decision:

  • A manuscript may be rejected even after revisions if the authors do not adequately address the reviewers' comments. The Editor-in-Chief has the final authority on the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript, ensuring that only high-quality research is published.

This structured and meticulous review process ensures that TJAS maintains its high standards of academic rigor and contributes significantly to the field of agricultural science. Please refer to our Peer Review Process for detailed information on our double-blind peer-review process.


Accepted Article Types

TJAS welcomes various types of scholarly articles that contribute to the advancement of agricultural science. The accepted article types are as follows:

  • Research Article: Original research articles that contribute significantly to agricultural science. These should be well-structured and present novel findings. The average length of a research article is approximately 7,000 words.
  • Review ArticleComprehensive summaries of current topics in agricultural science based on extensive literature. Systematic reviews are also welcome. The average length of a review article is approximately 8,000 words, though longer manuscripts are acceptable if the content is critical and relevant.
  • Short Communication: Concise articles presenting important new findings or developments. The average length of a short communication is around 3,000 words.


Submission and Publication Charge Policy

TJAS is dedicated to promoting the advancement of agricultural research and is supported by the Agricultural Science Society of Thailand under the Patronage of His Majesty The King. TJAS aims to provide a platform for researchers to share their findings without financial barriers.

Disseminating research results without any publication charges strengthens the agricultural science community. Therefore, there are no fees for submitting or publishing articles in TJAS. Additionally, readers can freely download articles without any fee or registration.

By eliminating these charges, TJAS ensures that valuable research is accessible to everyone, fostering knowledge sharing and innovation in agricultural science.


Open Access Policy

TJAS applies the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

This license allows others to download and share articles with proper credit, but they cannot alter the articles or use them commercially. Using this license, TJAS ensures its content is freely available, promoting wide dissemination and accessibility of agricultural research.


Ownership and Management

TJAS is owned, published, and managed by the Agricultural Science Society of Thailand under the Patronage of His Majesty The King.


Revenue Sources

TJAS operates without charging fees for submission, publication, or article processing. There are no APCs (Article Processing Charges), and authors are not required to pay at any stage of the publication process.

Financial support for TJAS is provided by the Agricultural Science Society of Thailand under the Patronage of His Majesty The King. The journal's primary objective is to serve as a platform for researchers to share advancements in agricultural science. TJAS does not aim to generate profits and operates solely to facilitate knowledge sharing and dissemination in the field of agriculture.


Advertisement Policy

TJAS maintains transparency and professionalism in its advertising policy. The journal actively engages with academia and the general public to enhance its reputation and recognition. Advertising activities primarily focus on participating in academic conferences, educational programs, and research institutes. Additionally, TJAS offers itself as a partner journal for related conferences.

It is essential to note that none of the advertising partners influence editorial decisions. The editor of TJAS ensures that every submission undergoes a fair, double-blind, standard peer review process. Upholding the highest publication standards, TJAS places significant emphasis on ethics and professionalism.


Direct Marketing Policy

TJAS promotes its content through various channels, including members of the Agricultural Science Society of Thailand under the Patronage of His Majesty The King, editorial board members, and authors. Periodic invitation emails are sent to researchers to call for papers, encouraging active participation in the journal. Editorial members actively disseminate and solicit submissions to TJAS.

Members and researchers are encouraged to utilize the contents published in TJAS to enhance their knowledge and research competency.


Journal History

TJAS was established in 1967 and has since played a pivotal role in agricultural research. Over the decades, TJAS has been dedicated to fostering innovation, promoting sustainability, and addressing agricultural challenges in Thailand and beyond. Initially focusing on Plant and Animal Sciences, Soil Science, Plant Pathology, Pest Management, and Environmental Sciences, TJAS has expanded its scope to encompass various topics.

TJAS has grown into a leading voice in the agricultural research community, earning the trust and respect of scholars worldwide. With a commitment to excellence, integrity, and academic rigor, TJAS continues to serve as a vital platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge research and the exchange of ideas in the field of agricultural science. As TJAS moves forward, it remains dedicated to driving innovation, promoting sustainability, and contributing to the global body of agricultural knowledge.