Privacy Statement

At TJAS, protecting the privacy and personal information of users is a priority. This Privacy Statement outlines the collection, use, and safeguarding of data. This statement is visible during user registration, author submission, and on the publicly available Privacy page. In accordance with legal requirements, full transparency on data handling practices is provided.

Data Collection

  • User Registration: Personal information such as name, email address, affiliation, and other relevant details necessary for account creation and maintenance is collected during registration with TJAS.
  • Author Submission: During manuscript submission, additional information such as co-authors’ details, manuscript data, and any supplementary materials provided is collected.
  • Website Usage: Information about interactions with the website, such as IP addresses, browser types, pages accessed, and other usage data, is collected through cookies and similar technologies.

Data Use:

  • Account Management: Personal information is used to manage accounts, verify identities, and provide access to services.
  • Publication Process: Information collected during manuscript submission is used to facilitate the review and publication process, including communication with authors, reviewers, and editors.
  • Communication: Contact information may be used to send updates, newsletters, and other communications related to TJAS and its activities.
  • Website Improvement: Usage data is analyzed to enhance the website’s functionality, user experience, and security.
  • Stated Purposes: The names and email addresses entered on this journal site are used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Data Sharing:

  • Internal Use: Data is accessible to TJAS staff and editorial board members involved in the publication process, with access granted on a need-to-know basis.
  • Third Parties: Personal information is not sold or rented to third parties. However, data may be shared with trusted third-party service providers who assist in operating the website, conducting business, or providing services under strict confidentiality agreements.
  • Legal Requirements: Information may be disclosed if required by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities.

Data Security:

  • Protection Measures: A variety of security measures are implemented to protect personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. These measures include encryption, secure servers, and regular security assessments.
  • Data Retention: Personal information is retained for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Statement, comply with legal obligations, and resolve disputes.

Your Rights:

  • Access and Correction: Users have the right to access and correct their personal information. Profile information can be updated through account settings or by contacting TJAS directly.
  • Deletion and Restriction: Users have the right to request the deletion or restriction of their personal information, subject to certain conditions. Contact TJAS to exercise these rights.
  • Objections: Users have the right to object to the processing of their personal information in certain circumstances. Objections will be considered and responded to accordingly.

Changes to This Privacy Statement:

  • Updates: This Privacy Statement may be updated periodically to reflect changes in practices or legal requirements. Any updates will be posted on the website, and significant changes will be communicated to registered users.

By using TJAS and its services, users acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to this Privacy Statement. For any questions or concerns about privacy practices, please contact