Peer Review Process

All submissions to Thai Journal of Agricultural Science (TJAS) undergo a rigorous peer-review process to uphold the quality and validity of published research. Expert reviewers within relevant fields evaluate manuscripts based on scientific merit, originality, and alignment with the journal's scope. TJAS employs a double-blinded review system with a minimum of two expert reviewers, ensuring unbiased and constructive feedback for authors.


Initial Evaluation

           Upon submission through the online system of TJAS:

  • Plagiarism Screening: TJAS conducts a plagiarism check using its internal system. Submissions with a plagiarism percentage exceeding 20% (excluding references) are automatically rejected.
  • Scope Alignment Check: The editor assesses the abstract to verify alignment with TJAS's focus. Additionally, a review of the manuscript's structure, figure quality, and references is performed. If satisfactory, the manuscript proceeds to peer review.

Reviewer Assignment

  • Anonymization: Authors' identities, affiliations, email addresses, and acknowledgments are removed to ensure a double-blinded review process.
  • Reviewer Selection: Reviewers are chosen based on their expertise and are affiliated with institutions different from those of the corresponding author.

Review Process and Duration

  • Review Period: Reviewers typically complete their assessments within 3-4 weeks after accepting the invitation. During this period, the authors' identities remain confidential.
  • Comprehensive Review: Reviewers are expected to provide thorough evaluations addressing scientific content. Additional reviewers may be invited if initial feedback lacks substantive critique.

First Decision

  • Editorial Decision: Based on reviewers' feedback and manuscript compliance with publication standards, the editor decides to accept, reject, or request revisions. Significant discrepancies among reviewers prompt further consultation or additional reviewer invitations.
  • Notification: Authors receive the decision (acceptance, rejection, or revision request) via the online system, along with anonymized reviewer comments and suggestions.

Revision Process

  • Author Revisions: Authors typically have 4 weeks to revise their manuscript, addressing all reviewer comments comprehensively.
  • Reviewer Re-evaluation: Revised manuscripts may undergo re-evaluation by the same or new reviewers based on the editor's assessment of authors' responses.
  • Decision on Revision: The editor may accept revisions without re-review if responses are satisfactory. Otherwise, a second round of review may occur.


  • Final Decision: Once accepted for publication, authors are notified. TJAS's double-blinded peer review ensures adherence to high standards of scientific integrity and ethical conduct.


Production Process

           After a manuscript is accepted for publication in TJAS, the following production steps ensure:

Copy Editing (1 week)

  • The editorial office initiates copy editing to refine the manuscript for clarity, style, and adherence to journal guidelines.
  • A thorough grammatical check and language polish are conducted to enhance readability and ensure consistency.

Galley Proof by Author (1 week)

  • Authors receive the copy-edited manuscript (galley proof) for final review and approval.
  • Authors carefully examine the proof for accuracy in content, figures, tables, and formatting.
  • Any necessary corrections or clarifications are communicated promptly to the editorial office.


  • Upon approval of the galley proof, the manuscript proceeds to online publication.
  • TJAS assigns the manuscript a volume, issue, and article ID for citation and indexing purposes.
  • The article is accessible online, ensuring timely dissemination to the scholarly community and beyond.