Response of boron and molybdenum on growth and curd yield of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.)
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Deficiency of boron (B) and molybdenum (Mo) may create whiptail, browning, hollow stem symptoms resulting lower yield of cauliflower. To recover these problems, a balanced dose of B and Mo with blanket doses of other nutrients should be applied in the field for maximizing the curd yield of cauliflower. Thus, the study was undertaken to observe the effect of B and Mo on cauliflower and find out their suitable dose for higher yield. This experiment was done in the experimental plot of Regional Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Ishwardi, Pabna, Bangladesh. The treatments were T1 = 2.0 kg/ha B + 1.0 kg/ha Mo, T2 = 3.0 kg/ha B + 1.0 kg/ha Mo, T3 = 2.0 kg/ha B + 1.5 kg/ha Mo, T4 = 3.0 kg/ha B + 1.5 kg/ha Mo, T5 = 2.0 kg/ha B + 2.0 kg/ha Mo, T6 = 3.0 kg/ha B + 2.0 kg/ha Mo and T7 = 0 kg/ha B + 0 kg/ha Mo (control). The experiment was designed as a randomized complete block design with 3 replications and each replication was considered as a block. Results exhibited that the highest curd yield (40.00 ± 1.67 t/ha) was obtained from 3.0 kg/ha B + 1.5 kg/ha Mo (T4) and the lowest yield (26.86 ± 1.39 t/ha) was obtained from the control. The highest gross return (US$ 5,600), gross margin (US$ 3,786), and benefit-cost ratio (3.06) were also found in T4 treatment. So, it may be concluded that the application of 3.0 kg/ha B + 1.5 kg/ha Mo could be recommended for maximizing the curd yield of cauliflower in Bangladesh.
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