Management of chilli insect pests by using trap crops
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The field study was conducted at Spices Research Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Bangladesh during Rabi season to evaluate the effectiveness of trap cropping with tomato, groundnut, French bean, carrot, and marigold with chilli for the management of chilli insect pests. Chilli (Capsicum frutescens L.) (BARI Morich-2) were protected by trap cropping with tomato, groundnut, French bean, carrot, and marigold. Among the different trap crops, chilli protected by trap cropping with marigold and tomato performed well by recording lowest population of sucking pests, leaf curl index, larval population of Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera litura with fruit damage. Whereas the highest pest population of aphids (Myzus persicae), thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis), mite (Polyphagotarsonemus latus), leaf curl index, number of larvae per plant of H. armigera (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) and S. litura (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) with percent of fruit damage was observed in pure chilli crop (control). Yield data revealed that treatment chilli protected by trap cropping with marigold recorded highest red ripe chilli yield of 11.70 t/ha and it was statistically similar to treatment chilli protected by trap cropping with tomato (11.30 t/ha) and chilli protected by trap cropping with carrot (9.57 t/ha) whereas, trap crop yield was higher in chilli + tomato (22.80 t/ha) followed by chilli + French bean (12.62 t/ha) and chilli + carrot (12.05 t/ha). Among the different trap crops, the highest marginal benefit-cost ratio (24.53) was recorded from chilli + marigold, followed by chilli + tomato (20.71), chilli + carrot (17.86), and chilli + groundnut (10.76) whereas chilli + French bean trap crop recorded lowest marginal benefit-cost ratio (7.99). It appeared that growing trap crops between main crop and border crops was found advantageous in the management of different sucking and borer insect pests of chilli besides yield benefits.
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