Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis of Maize Planting Suitable Land: A Case Study in Uttaradit Province, Thailand

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Phanida Chuaboonmee


The aim of this particular research is to analyze the spatial suitability for corn planting in Uttaradit Province by using multi-criteria decision analysis with the SAW simple adding weighting method & the AHP analytic hierarchy potential and analyzing the sensitivity to weight changes of various criteria & the results of spatial suitability for corn planting. The results showed that the importance of decision criteria for selecting suitable areas for corn planting was analyzed by SAW and AHP. They are divided into 3 groups, firstly the very high weight (weighting value > 0.175), including to the effective rainfall and nutrients in the soil, secondly the relatively high weight (weighting value between 0.120-0.174), there are soil drainage, atmospheric temperature and soil acidity, finally the moderate to low weight (weighting value < 0.119), there are soil depth and slope. There was no significant difference between the priorities of the seven criteria derived from both analyses using the F-test.

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How to Cite
Chuaboonmee, P. (2023). Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis of Maize Planting Suitable Land: A Case Study in Uttaradit Province, Thailand. วารสารเกษตรนเรศวร, 20(1), e0200105. สืบค้น จาก