Factors Affecting Operational Participation of Member of The Community Enterprise Group Members, Pasang District, Lamphun Province

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Chayanit Sanracha
Phutthisun Kruekum
Nakarate Rungkawat
Kangsadan Kanokhong


     This study was conducted to investigate: 1) operational participation of the community enterprise group members; 2) factors effecting the operational participation of the community enterprise group members; and 3) problems encountered and suggestions of the community enterprise group members. The sample group consisted of 256 members of the community enterprise group. Data were collected by using a set of questionnaires, statistical techniques used were percentage, arittamatic mean, standard divation and multiple regression analysis. Results of the study revealed that most of the respondents had never joined the educational trip on community enterprise and they did not have any social position. However, it was found that they had a high level of the participation in operation of the community enterprise (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.07). In this respect, assessment was found to have the highest average mean score and followed by planning and management, production and marketing, and benefit sharing, respectively. In addition, the following factors had an effect on the operational participation of the respondents with a statistical significance level; household income, time span of being the community enterprise member, social position and household debt. The following were problems encountered; 1) there was no systematic planning and management; 2) member did not have knowledge about marketing having an effect on a small sale volume; 3) compensation was not in the form of income; and 4) results of the assessment were not as expected. For suggestion, the following should be done; 1) holding a monthly meeting to monitor operational outcomes for continual planning; 2) adding markets outside the area, online marketing and joining the Thai post on product selling; and 3) clear agreement on benefit allocation.

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How to Cite
Sanracha, C. ., Kruekum, P. ., Rungkawat, N. ., & Kanokhong, K. . (2022). Factors Affecting Operational Participation of Member of The Community Enterprise Group Members, Pasang District, Lamphun Province. Maejo Journal of Agricultural Production, 4(3), 62–74. Retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/japmju/article/view/257362
Research Article


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