Factors affecting adoption corn planting technology of farmers in Phawo sub-district, Mae Sot district, Tak province

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Apideth Chaipiriyakit
Saisakul Fongmul
Phutthisun Kruekum
Papob Jeerat
Napharat Vetchasitniraphai
Taveechai Khamtavee


     The objectives of this study were investigate: 1) Socio-economic attributes of farmers; 2) adoption corn planting technology of farmers; 3) Factors affecting adoption corn planting technology of farmers; 4) Problems encountered and suggestions about of farmers corn planting technology in Phawo district, Tak province.The sample group in this consisted of 288 farmers obtained by Two-Stage Sampling. A set of questionnaires was used for data collection and analysis by using frequency, percentage, mean, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, and regression statistic.
     Results of the study presented to 1) most of the respondents were male and married. The average age of respondents was 39 years old and not educated. The area for planting 16 rai of corn on average, annual income average 104,000 baht, average debt 86,788 baht. 2 household workforces in family. Farmers are members of agricultural institutions (87.85 percent). Farmers who are not members of the agricultural institute (12.5 percent). Contact with agricultural extension officer average 1 time per year. Most of the agricultural news received from television (67.63 percent). Experience in planting 7 years old corn. Experience in agricultural education/training officer average 1 time per year. 2) Acceptance corn planting technology of farmers had a moderate level. 3) Factors affecting acceptance corn planting technology of farmers in Phawo district, Tak province have 2 factors were sex and contact with agricultural extension officer have a relationship adotption corn planting technology of farmers in Phawo district, Tak province.
     Problems encountered and suggestions about of farmers corn planting technology in phawo district, tak province. High cost of growing corn agriculture farmers need higher prices and chemical slower price and want the staff to come to the advice corn planting increase.

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How to Cite
Chaipiriyakit, A. ., Fongmul, S. ., Kruekum, P. ., Jeerat, P. ., Vetchasitniraphai, N. ., & Khamtavee, T. . (2019). Factors affecting adoption corn planting technology of farmers in Phawo sub-district, Mae Sot district, Tak province. Maejo Journal of Agricultural Production, 1(1), 43–53. retrieved from https://li01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/japmju/article/view/200909
Research Article


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