Selection of Potato Trial Varieties in Northern Thailand

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Chucheep S.
Duangyam T.
Faiupara K.
Wongmetha O.


     The selection of potato trial varieties in Northern Thailand was conducted at Chiang Mai Agricultural Research and Development Center (CMARDC), Chiang Rai Horticultural Research Center (CRHRC) and Tak Agricultural Research and Development Center (TARDC) in 2017 - 2018. All experiments were laid out using a randomized completely block design RCBD with 3 replications and 9 treatments (YS 202, 203, 301, 304, 401, 506, 603 and Atlantic and Spunta). Variables reflecting the performance, quality and resistance to disease were recorded. Findings show that YS203 at CMARDC, CRHRC and TARDC yielded a greater number of tubers per plant (15, 14 and 10 tubers per plants, respectively), tuber weight per plant (688, 362.7, 268.7 g, respectively), and total yield (5,198, 2,739 and 2,030 kg/rai, respectively) than Spunta and other varieties but lower than Atlantic at CMARDC and TARDC. In terms of quality attributes, total solid content of YS202 at CMARDC, CRHRC and TARDC was 22.7, 21.2, 18.6 %, respectively. However, YS203 at TARDC and CRHRC was found to be consistently firmer (0.87, 0.85 N, respectively) than those of Spunta and other varieties. Findings also showed that total tuber weights per plant were positively correlated with total solid and total solution solid content. Overall the findings suggest that out of all of the varieties grown included in the trials, varieties YS203 and YS202 were the best for processing. Further investigation on the selection of potato trial varieties for late blight resistance, nutritional quality, satisfaction of farmers and consumers, and marketing acceptance should be conducted in the future.

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How to Cite
S., C., T., D., K., F., & O., W. (2019). Selection of Potato Trial Varieties in Northern Thailand. วารสารผลิตกรรมการเกษตร, 1(2), 23–30. สืบค้น จาก


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