อิทธิพลของปุ๋ยคอก ปุ๋ยเทศบาล และการคลุกเชื้อไรโซเบียมต่อการเจริญเติบโตและผลผลิตเมล็ดของถั่วเหลือง ปลูกในดินชุดยโสธร

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อำนวยศิลป์ สุขศรี


This experiment was carried out during October-December 1990 on Yasothon soil, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand to investigate the effect of cattle manure, city garbage compost and inoculation upon growth and seed yield of four soybean cultivars. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. Soybean cultivars used were: SJ 4, SJ 5, KKS 19-0-1, and TGX 536-O2D. The organic manures used were: city garbage compost number 2 and cattle manure. Each of these organic manures was applied at the rate of 0 and 3,750 kg/ha, Inoculation was carried out with the use of Rhizobium japonicum. The plants were grown on a slightly acid Yasothon soil (Oxic Paleustult).

The results showed that stem, leaf dry weights, leaf areas per plant of the four soybean cultivars were affected most by rhizobium inoculation and organic manures added to the soil. The plants received rhizobium inoculation and organic manures gave significantly greater stem, leaf dry weights, leaf areas than those without. Stem growth was promoted most by city garbage compost whilst leaf growth was promoted most by cattle manure. Leaf area indices  were (LAI) were highest with  the SJ5 followed by the SJ4, KKS 19-0-1 and the lowest was with the TGX 536-02D. LAI values were not exceeded 5. The maximum value of LAI for high seed yields was discussed. Seed yields were highest with the SJ5 cultivar followed by KKS 19-0-01, SJ4 and the lowest was with the TGX 536-02D, 2,631, 2,497, 2,212, and 1,908 kg/ha., respectively.

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